I just wanted to clear the air as to what happened.. I'm sure by now there are different stories going around... So I will break it down in two parts... What happened on my side of the exit and on my hubby's side..
We (a few of the girls and I) were standing on the sidewalk talking, while Shelly gave flyers to people in cars. She handed one to a parent and "the women" from Parent Revolution, DTPU, Kids First... whatever their names are today... came over practically pushed her out of the way and gave the movie flyer to him and invited him to it. He was polite and said Thank You and then parked next to us. He got out and started telling us about his experience with Parent Revolution and the petitioners. He was so mad about how they told him one thing, but the petition said something totally different. They rushed over and started yelling and asking him questions.. By they I mean Joe Morales and "the women"... I laughed when Joe told him he was mistaken and the parent told him not to tell him he can't read stating "I read it from YOUR papers, that YOU left me!" He walked away and let "the women" handle it. As soon as they realzied he had made his own mind up and actually knew what he was talking about, they walked away. One lady stayed and asked him more questions, but don't know how much she really heard because she kept yelling at me about what I was saying and doing while he was talking...
Let me give you a little more background as to how the next part came about.... Starting Wednesday they started giving out their movie flyers and a few didn't have the nerve to pass us to hand them out so walked back and asked others to do it. Joe kept standing by us after school under the Desert Trails marquee talking about us and how we are lying.... blah blah blah. He doesn't scare me so I ignored him. Well on Thursday the other "women" who wouldnt walk by us before stood next to him also engaging in the bad mouthing... Remember all this while kids are getting out of school and waiting for their parents... Anyway, this intimidation tecnique didn't sit too well with my hubby. He got home just in time Friday morning to accompany us in getting our word out.
So while the other stuff was going on, this was happening on the other side of the street...
After Joe dropped his kid off, he started walking over towards us, then noticed my hubby and walked towards his van instead. Well after the parent told him that whole don't tell me I can't read thing, he was PISSED... He walked towards his van and my husband and my friend were laughing and he looked over and said What are you laughing at? My hubby goes "nothing but comedy" and this whole time "the women" are trying to calm him down (HE WAS IN THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT WITH KIDS STILL COMING TO SCHOOL), they were saying things like "Joe, my kids are in the car" and he'd respond "I don't care"... he then said "I'm thinking about taking this shirt off so I can get into a physical altercation and it won't count!" (his Parent Revolution shirt). So after debating whether or not to go towards my hubby and "the women" trying to calm him down he gets in his van and goes left at the exit. As he was turning left my hubby blew him a good-bye kiss and man did that piss him off even more. He yelled out What, you think I'm a faggot? Are you a faggot! .. Why the **** r u blowing kisses at me!... etc etc.. He busted an illegal U-turn in front of the school (this is rghht before Mr. Mobley got there) parked his van, went up to my hubby and and kept talking s**t... I was still on the other side talking to the parent who was upset so this is all from Karla and my hubby, but I guess Mr. Mobley calmed things down and he left. He came back into the school and continued to circle the parking lot and then I think he parked and went to meet with the rest of the Parent Revolution people at the park. They sure meet there a lot. I wonder how many permits they have for all their park meetings?
Anyway.... That's the lowdown.. Typed all this up yesterday, but hit save, save, save and it didn't save. I seem to be having that problem a lot lately. Ugh! Well See you later!
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