Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So I was outside the school today giving my flyers to a friend, who happened to be standing next to another parent... He asked what I was handing her and I said "some newspaper articles." She said "on parent revolution". I asked him if he would like some and he held his hand out and I gave him some. He then asks "Good or Bad?" and she says "bad"... He proceeds to ask me "why?" so I proceed to let him know what I have found in my research... and after about a minute he hands my papers back to me... I say "Thank You" and walk away.... I never looked back but overheard him saying something about harrassment.... if he was talking about me.... heres what i have to say to him: ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! Do you even know the definition of harrassment.... Did I come knocking on YOUR DOOR SPOUTING A BUNCH OF RICH PEOPLE BULLSHIT??!!! You asked me for information and after I try to educate you you say I AM HARRASSING YOU!!!! Take a real part in your childs education by educating yourself instead of being one of the cattle just following because it sounds good! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME TRYING TO EDUCATE YOU!! And I'm helping in your kids class.... even if you don't know it because I help ALL THE TEACHERS not just my own. I hear their struggles and how hard it is for them to help 30 students when 3 need them to take 20 breaks to tell them to do what they are supposed to be doing... Why aren't you in there helping the class with THAT PROBLEM!!! (THIS WAS A STATEMENT TOWARDS ALL OF YOU PARENTS WHO DON'T KNOW ALL THE FACTS AND JUST BELIEVE WHAT THEY ARE TOLD and have never been in a classroom other than on PTC DAYS AND OPEN HOUSES..... BUT STILL HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY YOU KNOW WHAT GOES ON!!) If you are one of the ones who have said you regret signing that petition PLEASE call the SUPERINTENDANTS OFFICE at the district and ask them to remove your name becuase you know better now!! All they need is your name. Stop being afraid to do what is right and instead be there for your kid. DO NOT GIVE OUR SCHOOL OVER TO THE RICH PEOPLE WHO WANT TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF OUR KIDS!!!!!! Most of the people asking you to sign the petition have spent so little time in their own kids class they couldn't tell you what goes on in it... and yet they think they can run our school??? OR EVEN KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN IT!!! Yes, they were part of the PTA... and they QUIT BECAUSE OF ALL THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED OUR PTA... Doreen once said that her children SHOULD get free stuff from the fundraiser people because of how much time she puts into volunteering there! REALLY!!!! Thats being there for ALL THE KIDS???? Think about this.... When this all first started they told parents they were withdrawing from the PTA so as not to cause more problems... I read a news article where DOREEN herself said PTA told them to choose between Parent Revolution and PTA... which is it??? You can't have it both ways... Its how they have been maniulating everyone.. Making themselves look like they tried everything at our school.... TRY VOLUNTEERING IN YOUR KIDS CLASS AND WORKING WITH THEM WHEN THEY GET HOME!!! Just because you walked around giving out presents and holding meetings and occassionally an event doesn't make you an active participant IN YOUR OWN CHILDS EDUCATION... OR ANYONE ELSES FOR THAT MATTER.... And while we're on the subject.... Remind me again how MUCH THESE TEACHERS HAVE PERSONALLY HELPED YOUR CHILDREN and how you have no problem attacking them!!!! Then brag about what you have done? You Go to their meetings and demand they work with you or you won't hold any more PTA events??? That's what you call trying to work with them??? And being there for the kids??? I remember because I was there when all this started... PTA that is.... I was the one asking we following bylaws and guidelines and all I got was "Mr foster said its okay so we're gonna do it." Mr foster wasn't the one in charge of how PTA is run!! That's why they have their own bylaws. And you had NO PROBLEM NOT OBEYING THE LAW WHEN IT APPLIED TO YOU, BUT NOW WANT THE LAW TO BACK YOU IN GIVING YOU CONTROL.... Which is hilarious in itself!!! You REALLY THINK these millionares (Im' sorry they call themselves philanthropists because its makes it sound like they want nothing back and they're giving from the goodness of their hearts) don't want ANYTHING IN RETURN FOR THE MILLIONS THEY'RE GIVING AUSTIN???!!! LMMFAO!!!!! HE JUST GOT KICKED OFF THE SCHOOL BOARD AND IS NOW ATTACKING THE PARENT OF MCKINLEY WHO DIDN'T BACK HIM AND HIS ATTEMPT TO TAKE OVER THEIR SCHOOL!!! Big Ups to that PTA for standing for what was right and not letting them take your school from you!!! ANd now he's throwing a tantrum and talking crap because he didnt' get what he wants!! LMMFAOA!!! Since when do you know rich people and politicians to want nothing for their investments.... Why did they open Celerity group... If they hadn't they would have had to admit failure.... And now they're desperate and using our school to get what they want.... HEre you go: Think about this for a minute... Why is CHARTER SCHOOL an option on the petition IF THEY CAN GUARANTEE GIVING YOU POWER OF THE SCHOOL... WHy put it on there if it's not what you want AT ALL???? BECAUSE IT'S WHAT THEY WANT!! Ok... here's my next point.... WHy not just build new schools for people to have the coice to go to or do what others do... lease a building somwhere to put the school... Invest in that... why spend millions to lawyer up and "help parents get control back OR CREATE A CHARTER SCHOOL" It's WAY MORE PROFIT IF THEY ALREADY HAVE THE SCHOOL AVAILABLE TO THEM THEN IT'S NO COST TO THEM AT ALL!!! The billionaires and politicians don't give a shit about our school but if they don't produce a real win soon their PARENT TRIGGER LAW (renaimed after it worked in other states from PARENT EMPOWERMENT ACT ... funny when that didn't work they went to something that did!) will prove to be ineffective.... DESPERATE!!! THEY CREATED THE LAW.... NOT PARENTS!!!! It was always a way for them to start privatizing schools to make money off of them... That's why it's a good investment... otherwise what do they stand to gain... Why are the people helping you PAID and TRAINED HOW TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS TO AVOID ANYTHING NEGATIVE... Of course they showed you all the negative press... so they would have the upper hand and you wouldn't feel lied to.. and so they can spin it any way they want and you would get defensive... It's manipulation any way you look at it... They provide you with all the research you think you need and YOU don't bother to do any more... you feel satisfied with what they tell you because of how pretty it all sounds.... WAKE THE F*CK UP!!!! I'm so glad I can think for myself and don't need others to think for me.... This isn't against any one personal becasue individually I don't know your stories, but if you don't educate yourself fully how can you believe there's nothing else out there? Anyway, I'm kinda tired now.... Its exhausting trying to figure out how so many people believed what they were told instead of questioning and asking WHY AREN'T THEY HOLDING PUBLIC MEETINGS? Why don't they want to answer questions... What's wrong with verifying signatures.... it's how our government is run... what makes you or I any better at a school level... We have to account for EVERY SIGNATURE ON EVERY PEICE OF PAPER AT ANY POINT IN TIME WE ARE ASKED.... As a matter of fact.. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW to NOT carry identification with you at all times!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO HIDE?!!! WHAT DOES PARENT REVOLUTION HAVE TO HIDE??? Why doesn't the public get a say? It's a community issue then why wERE DESESRT TRAILS PARENTS SINGLED OUT... They're attacking not just the school but the district... DID YOU CANVASS THE ENTIRE DISTRICT POPULATION??? Funny how NO ONE CAME KNOCKING ON MY DOOR!!! I would have loved to asked their **hmmm hmmm* paid "helpers" a few questions of my own... They didn't want problems so I was avoided because they knew they weren't getting my signature... Ugh... I said I was tired but guess not... Alright it's 12:46pm and I have to head back to make a REAL DIFFERENCE In the Desert Trails Students lives.... YEARBOOK 2011-2012 here I come!!! Thank you and Goodbye... lol

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